Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 has arrived!!!

So, the world didn't end 11 days ago, and it provided immense humiliation and slight disappointment for some of us, but at least we have the luxury of entering yet another year. I'm still in Sri Lanka for New Year, and watched the first sunrise of 2013 from a rock in the colonial town of Galle at 6:19 am (!). Since I last posted on the 26th December we've hiked through tea plantations in Ella (people called Ella, you have a Sri Lankan namesake town), relaxed in the beach resort of Mirissa (also where the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 was) and been on an unsuccessful whale watching trip. I've even advertised this blog by writing it down an Indian Ocean beach :). But that was in 2012. WE are in 2013. And here at Dramatis Persona we love celebration. So if you have a highlight of the year, a New Year's resolution or even a highlight of the first ten months and 28 posts of this blog, don't hesitate to comment! But for resolutions, mine fall into four categories and are as follows:

1. The General Resolution, that can apply to everything

This year it's to stop throwing things away, being less wasteful and caring about the environment more. This also includes using, not selling, all Christmas and birthday presents.

2. The School Resolution

As in several past years, this resolution is to be more open to everyone I know in school.

3. The Blog Resolution

My first ever in this particular category, I aim first to manage 30 posts before my 1st blog-iversary on the 11th February, and around 80 in total by the end of the year.

4. The Secret Resolution



PS I am in the first stages of planning a blog-iversary in February, on the theme of "what Dramatis Persona means to me", with contributions from our fans. If you have an answer to this question, please comment or, if you know me, get in touch some other way! And to cheer you up, here's this year's Chinese zodiac animal found in the hotel room (it's a lizard not a snake, but it's nearly there...), and below it a funny picture glorifying useless resolutions from the website Paperless Post.

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