Monday, February 11, 2013

The Dramatis Persona Has A Birthday!!!

WOW. WOW WOW WOW. This is incredible. This is a relatively strange feeling. My blog is a year old! I have been recording my everyday thoughts, wonderings, pictures, imaginings and facts for 365 amazing, enlightening days (well, actually 366 because 2012 was a leap year, but do we honestly care about precise numbers of days? No.) It's been an entire twelvemonth since I wrote down my strange fantasies on 11th Feb. 2012 in the wintery post Whose Tracks?, unsure about the aims of my blog, never ever imagining I'd still be writing away a year on. And no, I never thought I'd ever write about panda-shaped burn marks on chopping boards or large-sized plums, or even blue olive-like fruit.

And the funny thing is, I never actually intended to blog. My mum was the one who first became enthusiastic about the blogging revolution. She wanted to start her own, and I decided to help (Why? I thought it would be cool to say at school "My mum has a blog about the tat she picks up at charity shops, what about yours?"). I watched a video tutorial and did some research, but she still couldn't bring herself to start her online diary. So naturally my family suggested I start one instead, as I was probably more enthusiastic than her. And the rest, as they say, was history.

Thank you to everyone in my family and circle of friends who supported me sometime in this fantastic year, and everyone I don't know who has subscribed, commented, voted on the poll or simply briefly viewed the blog. Without you I wouldn't have (at the time of writing)...

36 posts

2020 pageviews (not including my own)

11 devoted public followers

4 devoted email subscribers

16 published comments

and 4 popular polls!!!

So that's The Dramatis Persona in numbers. But what you're probably more interested in is this delicious-looking birthday cake my mum made today to celebrate my blog-aversary (fantastic word!)

I think it's a great reminder of my lil' ol' webpage, and it was pretty tasty too! Sorry to make you envious. The picture should be tasty-looking enough.

Once again, thank you everyone who's had a look around my site, be it my best friend or someone who randomly found it while browsing Bloggers who love Rihanna and Taylor Swift. Myself, among many others. I hope I can keep The DP  (and you as readers) around for another year, or maybe many more!
-DP :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, one of the Friday Chaos co-hosts.
    So glad you stopped by to link up! I loved this post and look forward to checking out more of your blog.

    Congrats on your one year mark! Blogging can be so much fun, don't you think? I know I'm slightly obsessed with mine.

    Thanks again for linking up, and have a great day…
