Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm Back!

The hunting room, say no more...
Just got back today from a train, ferry and plane trip around Europe, visiting Vienna, Brno (the second city in the Czech Republic), Venice and various cities and towns across Northern Greece. I saw a multitude of blog-worthy things while travelling, some funny, some odd, some plain spectacular. So here goes...
Forget zoos and aquariums,this is the skeleton house!
If only today's fashion designers could see this!

Poor me, having to sit down here while my owners drink coffee...
Something to wake you up each morning!
Umbrellas are the new weapon!
Reptiles seem to be a theme at Vienna's Secession Gallery...

A step up from having horses pull your chariot...

Now I haven't seen this in England!
Can you hear from down there?!

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