Happy new year! As usual, irresponsible me has forgotten to do either a Happy 2014 post or any more Christmas posts as promised, but I happen to have other things on my mind. It's been two whole years since 11-year-old me wrote about some footprints in the snow, i.e. The Dramatis Persona began! In contrast to last year's lengthy blogaversary post, I don't really have too much time today, because I have to put up some awesome new shelves in my bedroom (and they are way more exciting than they sound, and I will post them soon :D) so I just want to take this short paragraph's chance to say a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has ever read, followed or complimented this blog. To all of you who've still commented despite my long breaks from posting, to all of my real-life friends for always bugging me about when I'm going to post, and basically everyone who's ever said anything nice about my little corner of cyberspace. You all make my day and my entire two years, and while recently I have been thinking of giving up this blog, due to busyness and other interests creeping in, but I intend to post more often than I have been doing, and I hope you all support me in that. Once again, thank you.
-DP :)
-DP :)